Lovingyou.com > Family Matters > Marriage > My Wife
posted: 07/08/06 at 12:43 PM
boballen [more]
Maybe you are right, I am hung up on it because of the size thing, I have been hung up on it ll my life. I just want an honest answer, if your wife was bigger, stronger, and hairier would you feel like less of a man? She likes it and I love her very much, but it kind of bothers me at times.
posted: 07/08/06 at 1:06 PM
Poetman [more]
I wouldn't

Remember, it's who you are *inside* that makes the man~not your size, strength or hair
Rodger Swan 12/19/1986-1/26/2010 Gone too soon, remembered forever. R.I.P my friend.
You have everything that I have to give; it is the only way that Love truly exists. You and I are each One, and we are both One~E
I cannot be accurately judged by the meat and bone wrapped around me - its features were not my choice.~E
I Love you. Love Me as I Love you, you are Me. you are not me; only here are we we, separate rather than Me, One.~E
posted: 07/08/06 at 1:38 PM
boballen [more]
Thank you
posted: 07/08/06 at 2:19 PM

Poetman [more]

The world is entirely too caught up with external appearances~she's happy with you, you're happy with her, that's all that really matters.
Rodger Swan 12/19/1986-1/26/2010 Gone too soon, remembered forever. R.I.P my friend.
You have everything that I have to give; it is the only way that Love truly exists. You and I are each One, and we are both One~E
I cannot be accurately judged by the meat and bone wrapped around me - its features were not my choice.~E
I Love you. Love Me as I Love you, you are Me. you are not me; only here are we we, separate rather than Me, One.~E
posted: 07/08/06 at 2:39 PM
boballen [more]
Thanks, that makes me feel better.

posted: 07/09/06 at 12:28 AM
banarabbyt1 [more]
I replied to your pm but I'll post here to- a man isn't considered a man because of how hairy or tall he is.
A man is someone who takes care of his responsibilities, works hard, and is good to his wife and kids and family, the way he acts to others is the most important thing- specially to children IMO.
I mean, yesterday we went to a pet store and my husband was looking at some rats and this little boy came up to him and was like "what are those?" and he told them "those are rats" and the little boy probably spent 5 minutes at least asking my husband questions and he answered every single one very patiently- it was VERY sweet. And my husband makes me feel special, works hard, and supports me in what I do- THATS a man.

posted: 07/09/06 at 5:45 AM
boballen [more]
Thank you I appreciate your support and kind words.
posted: 07/12/06 at 12:54 PM
boballen [more]
We did talk and she said that it was my height and lack of hair that attracted her to me and she likes the fact that she is stronger (she is only stronger because she out weighs me by so much and has been training for most of her life). She said that she likes having hairy arms and legs and does not want to change that, but she said she will stop teasing me about our differences. She said she did not mean to hurt me and that whie she likes these differences and I would be fine with them because she is beutiful and has a great body if she would not keep saying "I am like the man in the relationship" , but she says she says these things because she likes the fact that she has the more masculine attributes (by societies standards)which bothers me because I am the man in the relationship. Our relationship is great other than this and I think some of you are right, part of it was my insecurities, however it seems the things I am insecure about are the reasons she married me and is what turns her on about me and she says she wants me to embrace our role reversal and feel comfortable with it because she is, but as a MAN it is difficult to accept at times. Thanks for the input.
posted: 07/13/06 at 5:59 AM
JamesMD [more]
It will be a problem as long as you cannot accept her and yourself for whom you both are.
My guess is that you married her for you lack and vice versa. What are your attributes? What does she lack that you have? Remember, society also views "true" women as needing to be less hairy. less muscular, and shorter than the man. How does she feel that she isn't?
Why did you marry her again if she is bigger than you? Go back to your first impressions and first lover for her.
Just my thoughts. I can totally understand your insecurities.
posted: 07/13/06 at 6:01 AM
Elindelwolf [more]
Tell her. "Hell no."
Ok, maybe not those exact words.
In a relationship, there is no call for things that hurt your SO. Especially in a marriage.
Peace, ~Lucas
O love! 'Tis but a sweet dream, found only in the heart that deceives me; not the nightmares that suffer me; O foolish man I am!
posted: 07/14/06 at 11:02 AM
boballen [more
It is getting better, I just, well it is wierd seeing this beautiful woman with such a great body and then it being literally covered in hair and it feels funny also.click to: respo
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